1. In-Game Name: I||usion™
2. Which server(s) of ours do you play in? The Pub Server
3. Who referred you to us? Cockazn
4. Are you interested in Scrims? Yes definitely!
5. Why do you want to join Cake? I feel that Cake is a very professional and active clan, and I would like a chance to part of this small community, and possibly help better the clan in any possible way I can. In addition, I am currently in 2nd place in the top10 on the server.
6. Do you have a Mic? Yes
7. How old are you? 19
8. Why would you make a good addition to Cake? I have currently been playing Counter Strike: Source for about 2 years now, and I believe that with my previous experiences I can help better the clan in their reputation and also help others improve their skills, all the while improving mine at the same time. I would really appreciate any consideration in my application. Thanks in advance to anyone views this application. :D